“There is nothing more interesting than dealing with the complexity linked to the genetic variability of the subspecies of Apis Mellifera that nature has discriminated against in millions of years of evolution by creating new combinations”

Giacomo Acerbi

Why Buckfast?

Buckfast is not a breed, but the best and most complete selection system in the world of beekeeping. It is based on the isolation of the best characters of each subspecies of honey apis, evolved in a very wide geographical basin, concentrating them, combining them and stabilizing them in selection lines. Only by drawing from a vastness of hereditary traits, fixing them and maintaining them through a certain genealogy, it is possible to select productive bees, resistant to pathologies and adaptable to climate-environmental changes.

The selection of buckfast is a selection of strains not by color or purebred: all this is widely exceeded and denied by the results. The best selection techniques, the choice of the best performing ecotypes within each pure subspecies, the combination and reversibility of the distinctive traits of each species, are the key to working within a genetic material with a wide range of crosses and combinations possibilities that answer to both needs of bee and beekeeping.

This important work of improvement and maintenance of this wide range of genetic heritage has been possible only thanks to the close cooperation with the best buckfast breeders and the continuous follow up with our partners and customers.

Our lines

Beekeeping is determined by 4 main elements:

  • the environment
  • beekiping management
  • choice of the genetic material
  • business goals

The criteria for choosing a queen bee must be based on the hereditary genetic characteristics functional to meet these needs. For this reason we have different selection lines with different peculiar characteristics, aimed at responding to different business needs and to the multiple climatic and harvesting bands.
